

FX Acoustics Wood Wool Panel is an environmentally friendly, recyclable product. This product is a composition of mainly three easily available products those are wood wool, cement and water. As Wood wool panel is natural and 100% bio based product hence it combine sound absorption, safety and durability with sustainability and modern aesthetics.

FX Acoustics Wood Wool tiles are available in so many patterns, styles, sizes as well as in cool colors.

Key Features

• These are best for sound absorption, sound proofing and acoustics of rooms as they have high NRC value.
• The wood wool boards do not burn easily or quickly hence is fire retardant.
• Wood wool boards are sturdy compared and long life to other available insulation panels.
• Wood wool board is an eco friendly material and do not cause any health problems as the basic material is organic.
• Wood wool board is an innovative interior decoration and sound absorption material. They can be painted to produce a variety of color combination designs.


Arcs Panel

Bands Panel

Steps Panel

Rays Panel

Tilts Panel


Rings Panel

Checkers Panel
